Focus on documenting and promoting the diversity of learning systems and opportunities through the participatory production of video documentaries. At this stage, the initiative is carried out in India, Lebanon and Brazil.

Video promotes intercultural dialogue and collective work through the production of video documentaries. It believes that a participatory approach in conceptualizing, developing and disseminating films, is instrumental in deconstructing the articulations of images and messages conveyed by mass media and supports people in the critical analysis of their work, environment and lives.

Learning through New Eyes was created in the framework of several initiatives and events:
 The follow-up of dialogues on education and alternative learning organized at the World    Social Forum in Porto Alegre (2003) and in Mumbai (2004);

 The contribution of UNESCO to a process of exchange with the network of "Learning    Societies"

 The initiation by UNESCO of international research on the new concepts on Community    Learning.

In Asia - Indian Project

The project in India involves youth who have left school and are engaged in meaningful pursuits of livelihoods based on their values, dreams and convictions. It explores the reasons that shaped their decision to free themselves from school/institutionalized education, their struggle and confusion, their values and perspective, and the choices that lead to their current situation. The film also tries to understand different life-experiences of the "walkouts" and their unique and different learning systems. The walkouts work with Shikshantar and Abhivyakti.

Shikshantar – The Peoples’ Institute for Rethinking Education and Development
Shikshantar is a not-for-profit movement founded to challenge the culture of schooling and institutions of thought-control in India and beyond. It believes that factory-schooling and literacy are suppressing many diverse forms of human learning, relationships and expression, as well as organic processes towards just and harmonious social regeneration. It is committed to creating spaces where individuals and communities can together engage in dialogue to:

  • Generate meaningful critiques to expose and transform/dismantle dominant models of education and development.

  • Reclaim control over their own learning processes and learning ecologies.

  • Elaborate their own complex shared visions and practices of Swaraj, Abhivyakti

  • Media for Development Abhivyakti is a voluntary organization active in strengthening the communication resources of various actors in promoting learning and development actions. It believes that media has the potential to initiate a process of democratic communication within different communities. It strives to produce people-centred media in an effort to bring their issues to the fore and foster dialogue between different communities. Abhivyakti is involved in the following activities:

  • Production, promotion and distribution of films on stories and struggles at the grassroots level in India.

  • Publications promoting dialogue around critical issues affecting the media and cultural landscape.

  • Critical media education in schools.

In the Arab world - Lebanese Project

The project in Lebanon involves a group of young Lebanese and Palestinian librarians involved in social and cultural activities in the Palestinians refugee camps of Lebanon. They are developing a video documentary on their lives and activities through their learning experiences at the Al-Jana Summer Camp. They are working with the Arab Education Forum and Beirut DC.

A video document "Silat Wassel" (available in Arabic & English) is already available. It illustrates on-going discussions around diversity in learning throughout the Arab region.

  • Beirut DC – Development and Cinema

Beirut DC is a cooperative of Lebanese filmmakers exploring possibilities for a new audio-visual language moving towards more authentic, human and accessible films. It is conceived as a catalyser to make use of the media as a means for development to support people’s expression with a view to define their realities and aspirations. It is also a channel for conveying these messages to a larger audience. Beirut DC is involved in activities such as the following:

  • Production, promotion and distribution of non commercial films in Lebanon and the Arab region.
  • Support to the use of audio-visual means among diverse communities as a tool of expression and self-reflection.
  • Organization of workshops on the use of audio-visual facilities.

Arab Education Forum
The Arab Education Forum gathers educators, artists and activists in the area of education and learning in several Arab Countries. It seeks to create spaces for experience sharing and dialogue among different civil society actors of the Arab world. These actors are involved in learning initiatives, in the larger sense of the education concept. The Arab Education Forum focuses on the diversity of learning opportunities and knowledge creation in real life.

Opção Brazil
Opção Brazil is an NGO engaged in popular education for social transformation. They contribute to the creation of a network of volunteer university students all over Brazil and Latin America with a view to develop social projects with marginalized youth. They are developing popular education initiatives in the field of new technologies, citizenship and youth policies.

Aver is a cultural association involved in popular education and documentary cinema activities. It gathers cinema professionals working in the social sphere through history, education, and citizenship initiatives. They organize cinema modules in public schools and a series of training courses for film makers every year in cultural and community centers around Sao Paulo. They work with community and university televisions, by producing documentary films and facilitating reflections around innovative teaching methods for film making.